I got some new shoes the other day. If you don't believe me, here's a photo:
Some of you (perhaps mainly those with a Y chromosome) might be wondering, "What was wrong with the old shoes? They don't look so bad." Others (perhaps mainly those with a matched pair of X chromosomes) might be wondering, "Why did you get a new pair of shoes that are exactly the same as the old pair of shoes?" A few of you are trying to remember what a chromosome is.
If this was a Scratch-n-Sniff photo, I would ask you to scratch the old shoes and take a whiff. (Actually, go ahead; you never know.) Yes, they reeked. Not, I hasten to add, because of my feet! Instead, they were apparently baptized at some point by one of our cats. I've no idea which one or when it happened, but for the last couple of months I had been noticing a slight scent of urine. I mainly noticed it at work. At first I thought it was my clothes. Then I realized that I mainly noticed it when I was sitting at my desk. The reason was that, while sitting down, I'm closer to my shoes!
After I realized what the problem was, we washed my shoes in the clothes washer. That was apparently a mistake, because they smelled much worse after that! I'm guessing that washing them just brought the scent back up to the surface.
So, for those of you wondering the first question, there's your explanation.
As for why I got the exact same type of shoes (New Balance 993's), this is at least the 5th pair that I've owned. Many many years ago, when I first began running, I was introduced to New Balance shoes. At the time, being a basketball player, I wore red Converse All Stars, just like pretty much everyone else. The first pair of New Balance running shoes I put on were a revelation: Shoes didn't have to weigh a ton and have soles with all of the shock absorption abilities of, uh, something that doesn't absorb shocks very well!
I don't recall what model my first New Balance shoes were. I remember they were a royal blue color. Later I began wearing New Balance 990's. Eventually New Balance discontinued the 990's and replaced them with the (nearly identical) 993's.
What can I say? I'm a creature of habit.
Besides, I love my New Balance 993's!
Okay, I'm done. I'm expecting a check from New Balance any day now.
P.S. I did notice one difference between the old 993's and the new ones: The old ones just say "New Balance" on the tongue of the shoe; the new ones also say "Made in USA". I consider that to be a somewhat nice selling point, while at the same time somehow funny. I'm not sure what that says about me.
P.P.S. Incidentally, when you wear size 15A, the Internet is a wonderful way to find shoes that fit!
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